Light the Night for Blood Cancer Awareness
>> Thursday, August 14, 2008
So, I am outa shape like many of you. Kudos to those who have not abandonned their workout regime like I have. But... even with my wonky hip I can walk. Today, I recommend that you go to to learn about how you can participate in a local Light the Night Walk for blood cancer. The site will tell you how to get sponsors, organize your own walk, or join up with a planned walk. Trust me, there is a walk coming to your town soon. Let's raise some money folks!
Oh, and last night I was discussing the wonderful "Blogging for Blood Cancer" even with my husband, and he reminded me that he once helped to diagnose blood cancers. He is a cytotechnologist, meaning, he diagnoses cancer cells for a living. He looks at them under a microscope and determines if they are "sick". When he first started out in this field, he worked at a hospital that was developing it's blood cancer diagnosis unit. I am so proud of him and his work toward saving lives.
Thank you so much for your continued support!!! And thank you to your husband for his part in helping too!
Light the Night is such a humbling experience. Walking in the dusk w/all those glowing red & white balloons is a sight you'll never forget. :)
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