The Holiday Hectic Headache
>> Monday, December 15, 2008
Today, I want to post some musings as a bit of a follow-up to my previous Economic posting. Not only is money tight, but so is time. I think that we all get a little Holiday-Crazy every December and try to live up to what are sometimes unrealistic expectations that we place on ourselves. I live a full and wonderful life with my husband and two kitties. We too many wonderful friends to count. We are always on the go to a concert, dinner, sporting event, whatever. Frankly, life is pretty darn good. Then... come the holidays. I am a big big big Christmas junkie. I love to decorate, find the perfect gift, wrap things creatively, cook, and bake. The problem is, that there is no stretching of the space time continuum during the holidays. Frankly, I think this is not fair of the universe, but I apparently have no real say in the laws of physices, so I am forced to adjust. Too much to do and not enough time and space. Sound familiar? Well, this year, I am subtly rebelling a bit. Finances demand that I cut back on some things, and this has helped me get a clearer picture on how I want to spend my holiday time. As I said in my previous post, it is all about the people in our lives.
This year, I am going to take time to stop and smell the Fraser Firs and sip a little hot cider. The indoor decorations are up, but the outdoor ones just may have to be skipped in honor of curling up on the sofa and watching It's a Wonderful Life for the millionth time. I want to spend this time enjoying the company of my family and friends. Less worrying about it being a perfect Christams... more time appreciating the life I already have.
I agree wholeheartedly, and what a wonderful Christmas it was for us. I spent a little less time shopping and and a little more time conversing, listening to the hymns and music I so love and spending precious time with my husband. Of course our holiday was still a bit hectic as we travelled out of state, but since we had cut back on our gift commitments and some of our desire for what we view as perfection, we were able to relax and actually enjoy the warmth the holidays promise.
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