Updated Thoughts on a New Year! Welcome to 2010!!!

>> Friday, January 15, 2010

The holidays were wonderful. I shared some special times with family and friends. Now, I'm looking forward to the new year. It started out with a fun-filled weekend away celebrating my friend's birthday. We gambled, ate, and generally partied our hearts out. Now for the past week, I've been stuck at home sick. Yeehaw! (you think... a week off from work), but nope, I'm starting to go batty. Now, I'm on antibiotics and steroids and hoping to get over this bronchitis, but in the meantime, the meds are making me both loopy and restless. At least I'm catching up on my emails and all of the movies I've missed. Thanks for listening, and everyone out there stay happy and healthy in 2010!


Anonymous January 18, 2010 at 1:31 PM  
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