Life has been exciting and busy...
>> Thursday, October 29, 2009
Yes, my adventure of a life has been continuing at full-speed. In the last month, I have gone to NFL football games, NHL hockey games, the symphony, lots of dinners out, and 2 vacations. Yep! that's right two vacations. The first was a quick weekend away with my husband and friends for his birthday. We headed down to Tunica, MS and did a bit of gambling and playing. I always describe to to friends as kind of like "Chuck E. Cheese" for adults. You pay money to play games, eat lots of food, and well since we're adults, drink free drinkees. It's a blast and really a great way to get rid of some stress.
Our other vacation was to beautiful Taos, New Mexico. We had never been their before, and I can definitely recommend it as a gorgeous place to visit. We spent three luxurious nights at the El Monte Sagrada resort and spa. Boy, oh Boy, that place treated me like a queen. It is so relaxing and quiet with beautiful views of the mountains. We also visited the Indian Pueblo, some art galleries, and the surrounding countryside. The beauty was almost overwhelming. I will attach a photo to give you just a hint of how special a place Taos is.